Saturday, April 12, 2014

Comment on colleague's work

I disagree with my colleague's Kumar about Obama and Affordable Care Act. Because not all american needs insurance 12% of all americans don’t go to the doctor two years at a time. I know that it is good that all americans should have health care but a lot of american can’t afford health care. I know many american that have small income can afford it but business owners that have a high income are struggling as is how is it fare that they cant afford it. Obama needs to understand middle class make hits the high income bracket but by barely. The high income bracket complain about paying taxes but they can still afford health care of course they pay lots in taxes but its still a fraction of their income. Even though Obama says affordable health care act  people can not afford another car payment for health care. They should have one set health package for americans they set packages according to wages and package price. The packages are bronze, silver, and gold of course everyone wants gold but can you afford it. Bronze you purchase you get insurance but it doesn’t cover you for nothing so whats the point if you have insurance or not. As long as you are covered the government wont have to pick up the bill, they are just covering themselves. How is it that canada and europe everyone has insurance no matter what and america spents money on warfare of other country that cause americans tax dollars to depreciate. In closing affordable or not affordable obama care is not for everyone.

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