Sunday, April 27, 2014

Obama’s hope has become the fear of Americans

President Obama announced that more than eight million people had signed up for insurance via the federal marketplace. But can we trust on Obamacare health insurance program? Here are few things we should know before we sign up for it. Obamacare touts free preventative screening/testing for early detection …. But the free testing means nothing if the deductible and co-insurance are so high, you can't afford to use your insurance to treat a diagnosis. Obamacare allows people to know that they have life threatening illnesses ... but doesn't allow many to get treatment because they can't scrape together the high deductible to pay for the care until the insurance kicks in. When they realize this, how long will it be before they stop making premium payments and policies are cancelled for non-payment? Doctors are not going to treat people for free ... if patients can't meet their Obamacare deductibles, co-insurance and co-pays, their insurance companies will not pay the bill for their medical expenses … which is why more and more doctors and hospitals are reluctant to accept the riskiest of Obamacare plans – the Bronze and Silver Plans. Obama and the Dems may be able to force Americans to buy these over-priced and under-valued garbage polices, but they cannot force Doctors and Hospitals to accept new patients with these risky Bronze and Silver plans. 

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