Friday, May 9, 2014

Comment on colleague's work

I would agree with my colleague’s Han Tran about gun control.  I think now is the time for Government to rethink about allowing more guns to be carried in more places. Let’s honestly think about my question: if you are going to visit somewhere, and you know there are many crimes carried a gun on them. Do you honestly think a criminal would think twice about committing his crime? Do you want to have a gun in hand all the time to against what they will do to you? Of course when you have a gun, you will protect yourself  and your loved one safety. But not have a gun in hand to do bad things. To me, the only problem right now the Government should deal with is: the good person with the gun and the bad person with the gun. If the Government can resolve this problem, we can expect more in the future there will be no more death unjust, and we will. and we will no longer worry about bad things happening around us and our children. If the Government does not care about what we're thinking, they should allow more people to be able to carry guns in this country.

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