Friday, May 9, 2014

Global warming, what is the solution?

This is the solution: we live in a global community when it comes to our climate and atmosphere. The fact that the report offered up is named, “U.S. National Climate Assessment” demonstrates that they don't take this seriously and have an agenda far different than preserving the climate.  The EIA projects world energy consumption will increase 56% by 2040, with most coming from non-OECD nations and powered by COAL. That 56% increase represents more emissions than in the entire United States. We have no alternatives to fossil fuel except nuclear and as soon as that gets mentioned all enthusiasm drops. There are no political solutions to a science and engineering problem. If the climate is changing then we had better get used to it because nothing we do, including destroying our economy, is going to stop it. 

Man Kills 3 Members of California Family, Himself

On Friday, May 9th 2014, The New York Times published an article about a gunman kills 3 members of family and himself. Basically, he goes from room to room and kills everyone: his girlfriend and two of her relatives, then turning the gun on himself. According to investigator, there were no signs of a struggle in this tragedy, the gunman is a boyfriend of younger women living in the home. He is unemployed, is not going to school, the older women has been trying to force him out of the home. But she would never think he would do anything like this.
This article is worth to read because once again we can see that anything can be happened only with a gun. We never know what will happen from a bad guy having a gun. This is a big issue that the government should debate to create the new laws for gun control.

Comment on colleague's work

I would agree with my colleague’s Han Tran about gun control.  I think now is the time for Government to rethink about allowing more guns to be carried in more places. Let’s honestly think about my question: if you are going to visit somewhere, and you know there are many crimes carried a gun on them. Do you honestly think a criminal would think twice about committing his crime? Do you want to have a gun in hand all the time to against what they will do to you? Of course when you have a gun, you will protect yourself  and your loved one safety. But not have a gun in hand to do bad things. To me, the only problem right now the Government should deal with is: the good person with the gun and the bad person with the gun. If the Government can resolve this problem, we can expect more in the future there will be no more death unjust, and we will. and we will no longer worry about bad things happening around us and our children. If the Government does not care about what we're thinking, they should allow more people to be able to carry guns in this country.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Obama’s hope has become the fear of Americans

President Obama announced that more than eight million people had signed up for insurance via the federal marketplace. But can we trust on Obamacare health insurance program? Here are few things we should know before we sign up for it. Obamacare touts free preventative screening/testing for early detection …. But the free testing means nothing if the deductible and co-insurance are so high, you can't afford to use your insurance to treat a diagnosis. Obamacare allows people to know that they have life threatening illnesses ... but doesn't allow many to get treatment because they can't scrape together the high deductible to pay for the care until the insurance kicks in. When they realize this, how long will it be before they stop making premium payments and policies are cancelled for non-payment? Doctors are not going to treat people for free ... if patients can't meet their Obamacare deductibles, co-insurance and co-pays, their insurance companies will not pay the bill for their medical expenses … which is why more and more doctors and hospitals are reluctant to accept the riskiest of Obamacare plans – the Bronze and Silver Plans. Obama and the Dems may be able to force Americans to buy these over-priced and under-valued garbage polices, but they cannot force Doctors and Hospitals to accept new patients with these risky Bronze and Silver plans. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Comment on colleague's work

I disagree with my colleague's Kumar about Obama and Affordable Care Act. Because not all american needs insurance 12% of all americans don’t go to the doctor two years at a time. I know that it is good that all americans should have health care but a lot of american can’t afford health care. I know many american that have small income can afford it but business owners that have a high income are struggling as is how is it fare that they cant afford it. Obama needs to understand middle class make hits the high income bracket but by barely. The high income bracket complain about paying taxes but they can still afford health care of course they pay lots in taxes but its still a fraction of their income. Even though Obama says affordable health care act  people can not afford another car payment for health care. They should have one set health package for americans they set packages according to wages and package price. The packages are bronze, silver, and gold of course everyone wants gold but can you afford it. Bronze you purchase you get insurance but it doesn’t cover you for nothing so whats the point if you have insurance or not. As long as you are covered the government wont have to pick up the bill, they are just covering themselves. How is it that canada and europe everyone has insurance no matter what and america spents money on warfare of other country that cause americans tax dollars to depreciate. In closing affordable or not affordable obama care is not for everyone.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Supreme Court to decide on patent protections for software

On Friday, December 6, 2013, the Reuters published an article titled Supreme Court to decide on patent protections for software. In my opinion, the problem with this case is that the Court is not answering the question whether software is patentable generally, it's answering the narrower question whether software is patent eligible subject matter under Section 101. As much as I agree software patents are a major liability to the innovation economy, I'm afraid the answer must be yes, software is conceptually eligible subject matter. Where most software patents should be axed is at the obviousness analysis stage.

I think the vast majority of software should be disqualified as obvious for the same reasons I think a carpenter doesn't deserve a patent for each new and unique piece of carpentry s/he creates. 

Software is a tool used to make a computer perform functions by manipulating switching/logic capabilities, not unlike the tools a carpenter uses to craft functional furniture by manipulating the physical characteristics of wood, metal and fasteners. To be sure, there is much skill involved in both software and carpentry. But are the fruits of this skill new and nonobvious to others of ordinary skill in the art? Very rarely.

Take a room with 1,000 skilled programmers and a room with 1,000 skilled carpenters and ask one of them (at random) to create a new piece of software and carpentry, respectively. Each one will use the same set of standard tools and building blocks as the rest of his/her peers would have used to create the piece. So there is nothing in the creation or the final piece that is new or nonobvious to the relevant skilled person. They're just applying already known tools and building blocks to a new task.

This is how most software should fail to receive patent protection, through obviousness, not subject matter. But you won't see me crying is the Court finds a way to take a bite out of software with Section 101. Either way, most of it has got to go.